About the Trust

Our Vision

The Trust Fund envisions a world where people are empowered with education and human values and society is emancipated to live a life of hope, dignity and respect.

    1. To establish educational institutions, primary, secondary and undergraduate levels to provide quality education to the upcoming generation.
    2. To provide equal opportunities for education to people from all strata of the society by providing concessions, scholarships and assistance to children from poor, needy and deserving families.
    3. To evolve systems of educational outreach programs in rural and in urban areas where clusters of low-income groups exist.
    4. To establish vocational training centers aimed at empowering men and women of weaker sections of society to become self reliant, reducing their dependence on others.
    5. To have a program for linking children from poor families with sponsoring families /individuals/corporate to provide them food, clothes, medical care and financial assistance.
    6. To undertake humanitarian social works during natural calamities such as flood, cyclone, earthquakes etc.
    7. To start social engineering centers aimed at (a) establishing a social order based on equality, justice and love (b) establishing income generating and productive enterprises such as Agriculture, Apiculture, Horticulture, pisciculture, floriculture, vermiculture, poultry, dairy, small scale business enterprises etc.,
    8. To establish child welfare centers including crèche for children of working women.
    9. To establish and disseminate in print, in electronic media, on internet etc. literature related to the Trust’s objectives
    10. To create funds by obtaining donations either in cash or in kind (movable /immovable), collection of deposits and interest free loans from the public or from banks or other financial institutions for the furtherance of the objects of the trust.
    11. To establish and run orphanages for poor and helpless children especially of those from families affected by mental illness.
    12. To Promotion, Upkeep and Conservation of Heritage & Future at large.
    13. To engage in the activities for the welfare and empowerment of unprivileged, downtrodden, and helpless people.


    1. To conduct and to participate in regional, national, and international exhibition, events, seminars like heritage walks, culture tours, conferences, and workshops on rural, cultural and economy development among others.
    2. To work for the promotion of the general health condition of the people.
    3. To undertake various sanitation programs for upliftment of sanitation and eco friendly environment for rural people.
    4. To organize activities for development of physically handicapped and such other types.
    5. To provide medical facility for the needy and poor people where medical services are inadequate to meet the demand.
    6. To organize safe mother and child survival projects.
    7. To conduct family welfare and population education programs.
    8. To conduct health camps and to supply medicines to needy persons.
    9. To conduct voluntary blood donation programs.
    10. To take care of the village tanks, wells and to arrange to supply the villagers with drinking water through different kind of programs.
    11. To establish Nursery, Primary, High School, Higher Secondary School, colleges and similar educational institutions like hotel management and catering technology institutes, fashion designing, food processing, polytechnics, engineering colleges, teacher training institutes, nursing schools, medical colleges etc. And to maintain book banks, entrance examination coaching centers, reference rooms, study classes, hotels and vocational trainings for students.
    12. To     take-up    economic     development    programs          that    will    be sustainable for the unemployed youth.
    13. To organize different training activities for the grass root level worker to raise their efficiency and skill.
    14. To organize different survey and research work on various aspect of rural development.
    15. To organize counseling centers for youth, HIV/AIDS patients, and other chronically ill persons.
    16. Information dissemination doing research on various areas and bringing out issues that require attention.


    1. To promote alternative dispute resolution methods, such as, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, dispute resolution board, etc., for quick resolution of disputes arising in all the areas of activities of the society including international and domestic trade and commerce, money disputes, family disputes, labor disputes, property disputes, etc;
    2. To encourage, promote, popularize and develop the inclusion of conciliation and arbitration clauses in international and national business and trade contracts for the resolution of disputes;
    3. To ensure fast, time bound and correct and judicious decisions by arbitral tribunals conducting arbitration under the Rules of Arbitration of the body created by the Trust.
    4. To maintain and update from time to time Panel of Conciliators consisting of qualified persons having sufficient knowledge and background of the process of conciliation as well as well versed with the process of amicable settlement of disputes;
    5. Finding out areas with maximum risk and providing intervention services to prevent the calamity.
    6. To undertake feasibility studies for in the areas relating to Governance, consultancy project monitoring, internal system design and implementation, taxation, internal audit, reporting on implementation of projects, strategic planning, interim management, evaluation, financial planning, development consulting, capacity building for micro enterprises and organization development.
    7. To promote scientific research training and field action in rural development.
    8. To undertake other activities like field action project research, advocacy, networking and to promote understanding and better professional practice in the areas of social work, social services and allied professional fields.
    9. Promoting a broader understanding of urban poverty, including aspects related to health, human rights, entitlements and participation.
    10. To undertake educational, legal, environmental, agricultural and family life awareness activities and to strength human resource development.
    11. To organize men & women to form self help groups and guide them to improve their standard of living both economically and socially.


    1. To undertake development programs in rural and urban areas such as sanitation works, construction of houses and water tanks, laying of roads, rainwater harvesting, etc.
    2. To arrange and provide vocational training, skill development, skill gap assessment studies, skill mapping assignments, skill development training schools, skill updation, and management training for self-employment and legal help to poor and needy youth, women and children.
    3. To provide and arrange information, awareness and training of Human Rights, Right to Information, Fundamental Freedom for Health and Consumer Protection right etc. for the benefit of people.
    4. To arrange events, workshops and protest, movements, aandolan, anti- corruption campaign to safeguard human rights and against of social evils.
    5. To create awareness of Right to lnformation (RTI) Act.
    6. To establish, develop, run, support, maintain and administer Skill Development centers to empower the youth especially women at all level (i.e. Basic, Professional, Technical and Non-Technical) while also engaging in the activities necessary for their over all development so as to benefit general public at large.
    7. To create a platform for those who wish to work for upliftment of poor and helpless youth.
    8. To create awareness for environment & educate the people for the preservation of our environment.
    9. To work for development of Indian art and folk dances and to provide a platform for those artists who are left behind in terms of recognition and socio-economic development.
    10. To provide assistance by all possible means to the poor families for the marriage of their daughters.
    11. To provide financial assistance to the poor families for construction of private/public toilet which shall ultimately be helpful for their dignity as well as preserving the environment.
    12. To work for physically handicapped for their skill development so that they could live an independent life.
    13. To arrange and support employment awareness camp/programs for the benefit of poor needy students.
    1. To arrange and provide work for widows, women and children upliftment.
    2. To arrange programs for women empowerment & Tribal empowerment.
    3. To start, takeover, establish, support, maintain and administer Saksharshala to eradicate illiteracy, Basic Education, Health Care Education, Development Education and empowerment Education.
    4. To start the mobile clinics for the benefit of the general public at large.
    5. To arrange and Organize Eye & Blood donation camps and Health Check up camps.
    6. To open and establish charitable veterinary hospitals and clinics in various places for giving treatment to animal and bird and work for their welfare.
    7. To find out the ways and means to eradicate the social evils like atrocities and violence against women and children.
    8. To arrange and manage marriage programs for needy and poor women/widows.
    9. To establish, open, develop, run, support, maintain, take-over, construct, alter, improve, manage and control old-age homes, yoga and meditation points, meditation centers, naturopathy centers, orphanage homes, ashrama, dharamshalas, shelters, creches, goshalas, community centers, toilets (shochalaya), drinking water tanks, career counseling centers and other centers for the benefit and use of the women, children and general public at large.